Thank You for your interest in Graham & Lane Florists for your Wedding!!
For wedding plans, we like to sit down with our clients in person to discuss details and ensure the most accurate quote. Our prices vary depending on the varieties of flowers you'd like to use, the size of bouquets, and any additional props or décor you're interested in. Seasonal availability tends to hinder many flower shops in regards to acquiring specific blooms, but this is not an issue with our shop as we have partnerships with every floral supply company in the area. With appropriate notice, we can work together to achieve the wedding of your dreams.
Please find below a pdf of our current Wedding Package. You can add and remove items to customize the package to suit your needs. We are a full-service florist and can deliver all your wedding flowers, set up the flowers at the different venues and pick up our props such as pedestals and arches after the wedding. If you're interested in our services, I would recommend that you call and make an appointment for a free, no-obligation consultation. You can send an email to [email protected] or phone (780) 429-1637 to schedule a consultation, or if you have any other questions.
Thank you for your interest, we look forward to hearing from you soon!
Nathan Graham / Graham & Lane Florists
For wedding plans, we like to sit down with our clients in person to discuss details and ensure the most accurate quote. Our prices vary depending on the varieties of flowers you'd like to use, the size of bouquets, and any additional props or décor you're interested in. Seasonal availability tends to hinder many flower shops in regards to acquiring specific blooms, but this is not an issue with our shop as we have partnerships with every floral supply company in the area. With appropriate notice, we can work together to achieve the wedding of your dreams.
Please find below a pdf of our current Wedding Package. You can add and remove items to customize the package to suit your needs. We are a full-service florist and can deliver all your wedding flowers, set up the flowers at the different venues and pick up our props such as pedestals and arches after the wedding. If you're interested in our services, I would recommend that you call and make an appointment for a free, no-obligation consultation. You can send an email to [email protected] or phone (780) 429-1637 to schedule a consultation, or if you have any other questions.
Thank you for your interest, we look forward to hearing from you soon!
Nathan Graham / Graham & Lane Florists

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